Campaigning for real ale, pubs and drinker's rights since 1971
Why you should join CAMRA today...
CAMRA campaigns
Locally to save individual pubs
Nationally on planning, licensing and tax laws
With official bodies to extend 'listing' to historic pubs
To encourage people to use their community local
CAMRA promotes full flavoured distinctive beers
Through positive awards - we also monitor and criticise the increasing blandness of many brands
Through 145 beer festivals a year and through the best-selling Good Beer Guide
Through campaigns for higher standards in breweries and pubs
CAMRA campaigns against monopoly and for choice
We promote the independent brewers and publicise the many interesting new companies entering the market
In 1997, we saved the vital guest beer law, threatened with abolition
We act as a vigorous consumer voice in Westminster, Whitehall and Brussels
The Benefits of Membership
All CAMRA members receive our lively monthly paper What's Brewing. It gives hard news from the world of beer and pubs - advance notice of festivals and events - and information about new beers and breweries. We sell a wide range of books, including our best-selling Good Beer Guide
Many pubs give generous discounts by only showing your membership card !!! leaving the 50p real ale vouchers to use another time - this soon adds up :)
All members receive the £30 camra real ale / cider vouchure scheme !This will mean £30 of money off vouchers , made up of sixty £.50 printed with the mebership start and end date , redeemable in over 1400 pubs . the scheme will be flexible to allow other pub chains to join (as well as Weatherspoons).
Local branches run beer festivals, brewery trips, pub visits and other socials. Members of CAMRA are ordinary drinkers motivated solely by a love of good beer - they are all ages, both sexes, and from all walks of life. You're welcome to get involved.
CAMRA has been called "Europe's most successful consumer organisation" - but we still need your help. We're a not-for-profit body run locally and nationally by elected unpaid volunteers. CAMRA is completely independent of any commercial interest, and relies totally on people like you for funds and support. Help us stand up for the rights and choice of ordinary drinkers.